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Showing posts from February, 2019

Golem are imprisoned Djinn

Golem are Djinn bound to vehicles of ash, clay, ceramic etc. to serve a prescribed purpose for a pre-determined amount of time. This Stone Golem is bound to guard the tomb of Lord Alghabhari-Zad for 9,999 days  This Porcelain Golem is bound to invigilate the archives of the Order of Rings for 1,000 years, 100 days, 10 hours and 1 minute  This legion of Ash Golem are bound to hold the palace of Zhang ibn-Qing aloft until the 7th generation of the dynasty is dead This binding is often done by sorcerers, it is never done with the consent of the djinn, who considers it an absolute O U T R A G E This is semi-ironic, as it is the fire of their outrage which powers the golem. The chimenea-like nature of golem heads are vents for their unbridled literally-burning indignation, which were it not so-vented, would cause the golem to explode. This would free the djinn, which would be very bad news for anyone who was responsible for its entombment. Pictured: patio furnitur...