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Showing posts from July, 2019

Ultraviolet Grasslands

In my anticipation of Luka Rejec's radioactively exciting  Ultraviolet Grasslands , I've written the roleplaying rules-and-settings equivalent of fanfiction. I've made my own rules based off of Troika (via  David Schirduan ) and Moonhop , and I've cobbled together my own setting which crossbred UVG with a few other sources (Fever-Dreaming Marlinko, Against the Wicked City, and Luka's other, as-yet-unpublished work, Red Sky Dead City) and stretched them across real-world Central Asia. My three players were starting waaay to the east, in the City of Flowers on the western periphery of the Empire of Everything. Using UVG's Travel Quests table they established that the Cult of Everflowering Life (the bureaucracy that maintains the computational H.I. (Horticultural Intelligence) of networked flowerbeds, pollinators, and gardens that runs the City) had given them a Letter of Marque to go fuck with one of the City's many rivals out west on the steppe. Come ...