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d66 Magic Teas

Made some random teas. The names are a bit weird - I wanted them to serve as the description without further elaboration, but also be vague enough that players are almost garunteed to get the wrong end of the stick for how most of them work.

Nearly all of them last 24 hours. This isn't necessarily a good idea, it's just easier for me to track. Change that to 1d6 hours or whatever if you want.

I dunno how much these cost. I'm not an authority. I'm just saying that because I have a habit of viewing other random tables and content online as gospel and worrying about "using them wrong" so here's a carte blanche to ignore everything I say you think is dumb.

This is a d66 table just like all the good stuff coming out of Troika! - you roll 2 d6s and count them as the 10s and 1s of a single number.

11        Smokey Lung Wa Chai
Breathe grey smoke like dry ice in a 5' radius around you, obscuring yourself.

12        Moon Lotus Enlightened Brew
Glow brightly silver-yellow for 24 hours - activating lycanthropes and other moon magics.

13        Golden Fortune Luck Tongue
Vomit a gold piece per round for d10 rounds.

14        Yuang Tau Jade Serpent
Tongue turns into a long snake for 24 hours. Can bite/poison enemies independent of you.

15        Liquid Death Rot Bloom
Tastes mildly sour. Smells like the worst thing you've ever smelled.

16        Spicy Kung Pao Masala
Your breath can ignite paper, wood, cloth etc. (not actual fire breath that damages)

21        Black Lotus Song Oolong
Cures any disease but you fall into a deep sleep for 24 hours. Often taking in conjunction with no. 41 Dream Team Wakeful Morning

22        Delightful Pleasant Moth Bud
Float 1' off the ground for 24 hours. Like a magnet - you're always 1' off any surface under you.

23        Honey Sap Gold Tincture
Smell like a beautiful flower and magically attract d100 neutral bees. No matter where you are.

24        Dynamic Helping Joy Brew
Helpful twin clone appears for 1 hour or until the word "duplicate" is used.

25        Floral Destiny Rose Cha
Grow dense flowery foliage all over yourself - if you stand still you look like a shrub. 24 hours.

26        Sensual Fortify Iron Tea
Grow antennae that can detect metal, both location and concentration. 24 hours.  

31        Singing Fresh Long Tea
Very deep commanding voice for 24 hours. Almost hypnotic. Good on crowds particularly.

32        Attractive Wealth Boon Cha
Weakly magnetic 24 hours. Spoons, coins, nothing larger than a dagger.

33        Spirit Levity Life Cha
Become a floating, ethereal ghosty thing for 24 hours. Pass through walls etc.

34        Wise Tranquil Balance Brew
Understand all languages including cyphers, but can't speak for 24 hours.

35        Golden Dew Breath Tea
Anything you spit on turns into gold. 24 hours. Gold wears off after 24 hour too.

36        Tough Fortitude Silver Oolong
Skin turns to metal. 24 hours.

41        Dream Team Wakeful Morning
You fall asleep and can inhabit the body of another sleeping person for up to 24 hours. They can save if it is unwilling.

42        Caterpillar Aromatic Relaxing Sencha
Your limbs become paralysed, you have only control over the trunk of your body (torso etc.). Intended as a massage relaxant, mostly used for kidnappings.

43        Half Fair Body Matcha
Turn into a hermaphroditic ideal for 24 hours - attractive and appealing to anyone of any persuasion.

44        Reflection Lu'an Mind Ease
When brewed with the hair/blood/other marker of an intelligent person or creature, the tea gives visions of the 24 hours of that creature's life prior to the hair/blood/etc. being removed from them.

45        Binding Jing Attachment Grasp
You become gross and adhesive like an always-brand-new post-it note for 24 hours.

46        Zen Attraction World Calm
Your head develops a mild gravitational orbit phenomenon for 24 hours. Small objects circle your head. If you think really hard you can lob them like so many tiny asteroids.

51        Bone Ache Sencha Massage
Turns your bones to pliable putty for 24 hours. You can fit through any gap that permits your head. You loll around slowly like animate chewing gum. You return perfectly to normal if you're not hurt or in a tight spot when it wears off.

52        Healing Fortune Drastic Tea
You regrow hacked-off limbs perfectly for 24 hours. Wounds and cuts and things don't heal any faster - only totally-hacked-off parts - so if you bruise your hand it might be easier to lop it off. Doesn't work with the head, though.

53        Golden Charm Black Sand
You projectile vomit sand at an alarming rate and strength. Like an industrial sandblaster. 24 hours. (If you feel mean/funny, have your player save vs poison randomly or begin barfing up sand, obliterating fragile things in their path). Very purifying.

54        Godly Waking Heaven Tea
Pass out and wake up in the spiritual realm where you appear as a ghostly ideal of yourself. You carry a helium-balloon like item containing yourself in a foetal ball. This is your ego, or mortal self, or whatever. If it's burst, you can't go back to the mortal realm. It's as durable as a helium balloon. You have 24 hours before you wake up, provided you still have your balloon.

55        Power Mighty Primal Brew
You polymorph into a terrifying giant ape beast. Very few things will dare fuck with you. You have the same mass and strength as you used to, so in this larger form you're actually quite light and can't exert much force on anything. 24 hours.

56        Spooky Passing Invisibili-Tea
You become totally invisible and utterly undetectable other than your skeleton. 24 hours.

61        Implacable Soothing Digestion Tincture
Your stomach and throat become waxy, tough, and a conscious reflex. You can imbibe poisons, acids, and really hot chilli without concern, and store said liquids (or small objects) in your stomach and regurgitate them unharmed. 24 hours.

62        Radiant Beauty Ascending Oolong
You can turn into a cloud of beautiful butterflies at will. Each butterfly represents one memory that makes up your identity. If many are lost, you forget parts of yourself. Losing a whole bunch invites mechanical penalties and XP loss and GMs can insert surprise backstory stuff that the character forgot about - like their vengeful brother Eduardo, perhaps. Players are encouraged to come up with trivial memories they lose when a single butterfly gets squashed or whatever. 24 hours.

63        Cleansing Waters Chun Mee
You can excrete copious amounts of water from your pores when you flex or strain. Given a few hours you could fill a small swimming pool by clenching your fists and going "rrrrgh!". Where does all the water come from? 24 hours.

64        Courageous Tiger Stripe Ginseng
You get stripy tiger skin, can move silently if you have no shoes on, and can smell nearby creatures. 24 hours.

65        Restful Soothing Misty Brew
You give off vaguely chloroform-like vapours. Anyone standing near enough to you that they could smell your breath must save or pass out.

66        Tran Van Hay Knot
Your hair grows over the course of 24 hours up to a maximum length of 50'. It becomes tough, knotted, and much like rope. You can even suspend yourself from it or pull stuff with it without it hurting. This stays after the tea effect wears off. You'll probably need to wrap it up in a big knot to stop it trailing. But congratulations, you're now 50' rope.


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